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COVID-19 update 22-03-2020

Dear True Vine Family,


We thank the Lord for taking us through this first Sunday of not  being physically together, and for providing the means for us to communicate through the Internet. We are working on keeping us connected, informed and supported at all levels of the fellowship throughout this season.


I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the leadership to say to those who are not well at this time that we are praying for you. Please do let your House Church leaders know if you or a family member are unwell so the church family can stay in touch and give whatever support we can.


We are also aware that there are brothers and sisters whose jobs and source of finances have been affected by the Covid-19 lockdown. Please be assured that we are praying for you and trusting the Lord to make provision for you by His grace. However do let your House Church Leaders or Elders know if you need assistance so that we can give you some practical support where possible.


Finally, I would encourage us all to keep in touch with one another and to especially look out for those who are on their own. 


I leave you in closing with

Isaiah 26:3

“You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.”


God bless and keep you.

Pastor Ray

(On behalf of the Elders)

COVID-19 20-03-2020

Our dear True Vine Family,


Grace and Peace be multiplied to you in these challenging times as you continue to grow in the love and knowledge of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ.


In the light of the Covid 19 crisis and the government’s advice, the Elders of our church met last night to prayerfully seek God’s direction for the way forward.

As a result the following decisions were made with regard to our continuing to receive the ministry of the Word, corporate prayer and fellowship.


1. There will be no physical gathering of the Church family on Sundays till further notice, but the Word will still be preached and made available on Sundays to all our members via the Sound Cloud link that we have been using.

We intend to activate the True Vine website within the next couple of weeks so we can live stream the messages on Sundays at a set time and members can interact with the process.

We will inform you as soon as this is up and running.


2. House Churches will continue either virtually or physically where it is possible.

House Church Leaders will be in touch with members to discuss and arrange this.

We are all encouraged to participate in House Church fellowship during this very important time.


3. Thursday night Intercessory Prayer meetings will be coordinated and conducted virtually by Pastor Clement and the team. Details will be made available by next Thursday.


4. We are all encouraged to continue to support the work of the ministry by regularly giving of  tithes and offerings via the church online banking facilities which some of you already use. See DONATE PAGE for more details on giving


5. We will continue to communicate with the Church Family regularly via this broadcast means and other virtual avenues available to us so we stay connected and informed during this time.


Beloved, the Lord reigns and is very much in control of what is happening globally.

His Word to us is to trust Him and to wholeheartedly submit to His Word as we wait to see Him work all things together for our Good both individually and corporately.

We will be in touch again soon.


The Lord bless and keep you and your families.



Pastor Ray

(On behalf of the Elders)

covid 1
true vine Church

+ 44 (0) 208 684 4339


Church Address:

Corner of Parkview & Bingham Road,

Addiscombe, Croydon, CR0 7DF


Office Address:

67 Melfort Road,

Thornton Heath, CR7 7RT


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TRUE VINE is a UK Registered  Charity under the name TRUE VINE CHURCH TRUST.  Charity No. 1046121.

TRUE VINE is also a member of the Evangelical Alliance UK

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